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BBoz currently has 5 book projects there is. Among them;
"The Butterflies of Ankara" book It was being prepared on behalf of the DKMP General Directorate, the study It was discontinued for some reason. There are three options for now. It will either be completed on behalf of OGM if accepted, or BBoz itself will be made into a personal publication on behalf of or will never be completed.
Other projects if;
"Nature Photography - Insect Macro"
"Macro Nature Photography - Little Miracles of Nature"
"bboz+macro - Macro Album"
"When That Day Comes"
Three of them, besides personal experience and knowledge on "macro nature photography", compiled from foreign sources. Consisting of photos that contain information and all produced by BBoz book projects.
"When That Day Comes" is an attempt at a novel. When finished It will either go to waste or be displayed in some way...
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